Welcome back Year 1!
Date: 27th Feb 2016 @ 11:25am
Year 1 have had a very busy week for our first week back and everybody has been working very hard! We are thoroughly enjoying our new space topic and have already learnt lots!
On Monday we had a very special alien visitor land in our classroom with a letter from his alien Dad on how to look after him! In our Kagan teams we worked hard to make Zingapea feel at home by following the instructions and improving them. We read lots of ‘alien’ words which was great phonics practise and came up with our own alien dictionary! Later in the week we used lots of adjectives to write alien descriptions and finally wrote our own instructions for how to send an alien home. The children have also done lots of reading with Miss Cernik too – she was very impressed with you all so well done!
In Maths we have been revising different types of measure. We have been measuring and comparing lots of objects by using a ruler to measure in centimetres. We also created a class graph to compare hand sizes. We have also weighed lots of objects in grams and worked in our Kagan teams to solve measuring puzzles. All of the children had great ideas on how to approach the problems.
In Science we have been learning all about the planets and have create 8 amazing fact files for each of the planets. We even included our super sentence starters from our writing last half term - can you spot them in the pictures? We are also very excited for our Stay and Make session coming up on the 10th March where we can build our own rockets. During golden time we had great fun playing with the new space resources which our fantastic PTA have provided and we would like to say a big thank you to everybody who has contributed!
In R.E we have been thinking about our new topic forgiveness so we revised our story from last year ‘The Prodigal Son’, which the children remembered very well, as well as the Easter story.
Next week we are looking forward to seeing Miss Cernik again on Monday, our Fairtrade breakfast before school on Tuesday and World Book Day on Thursday!
Well done everybody!
Miss McCann