Week beginning 8th May
Date: 12th May 2017 @ 2:07pm
It has been a very creative week in Year 1 this week. In Literacy we have been inventing our own stories that have the same structure as Goldilocks and the Three Bears. As I said last week, the children have been using their imagination and including some fascinating ideas in these stories. As Goldilocks left the cottage, she came across obstacles such as; broken branches, slippery stones and wolves waiting in the forest. The children are really starting to apply their knowledge of capital letters and full stops as well as checking their spellings, this is lovely to see.
Fractions have been our main focus in Maths this week. We have been finding halves and quarters of quantities, objects and shapes. As I’m sure you have been told, the children started the week by dividing the toppings they wanted to use on pizzas and sharing them equally into halves and quarters. We then moved onto shapes and direction. Today we have been out drawing circles with chalk and moving a certain fraction around them. We even began to tackle tricky questions like moving three quarters of the way around the shapes.
During our topic lesson this week, we have been recreating the cottage from the story of Goldilocks. The children looked at the different textures and materials on the house and then thought about ways to describe it. We then found materials we could use and decorated them.
In Science this week we have been learning about reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and mammals. We explored the similarities and the differences of these as well as the categories that different animals fit into. The children knew lots about this and loved exploring the facts further.
Just so that you are all aware of the process, I will be putting up a blog post about the Phonics Screening shortly. Please see this for any information.
Wishing you another lovely weekend
Miss Wellings