Week beginning 6th February

Date: 13th Feb 2017 @ 1:42pm

This week in English, we brainstormed some ideas for our own instructions. We were writing instructions that would help us to catch the evil baddie, just in case the unfortunate ever happened. The aim was to put steps in place, using a variety of equipment, to make sure the baddie returned safely to where they belong. The children thought carefully about how they were going to capture the baddie and what resources they would need to use. I don’t think any baddies will be getting the better of us in year 1 anytime soon!

In Maths, our focus this week was measuring time. We started by looking at the days of the week and the months of the year. Our main focus was telling the time to the nearest hour and half hour. The children used analogue clocks to show specific times and then began to look at the hour before and after. An additional activity that we completed was measuring time in seconds. The children were given step activities to complete and using the stop watch they were able to measure it.

As stated in last week’s blog post, this week the children were learning about SRE topics. The children completed activities based on hygiene, families and growing up. They were all very mature whilst learning about these topics and a lot of children asked good questions to develop their understanding of what it will be like whilst they are growing up. The children have all been encouraged to asked questions at home and in school if there is anything they are concerned about or would like to know more about.

As well as the SRE topic the children also had internet safety day. We explored a story to help us understand how to stay safe whilst using computers and on the internet. This has helped us to recognise what is accessible on the internet and to help us enjoy our time safely online.

Next week in Maths we will be recapping numbers and place value as well as addition and subtraction. In English we will be looking at real life heroes, focusing on the fire service, vets, police and ambulance service. Also this week there is a special treat for the children on Monday as Holmes Chapel Fire Service is coming in to pay us a visit.

Just a little reminder that next Friday we have our superhero day; we are looking forward to some fantastic costumes and exciting activities. Photographs will be shared on the blog to show you some of the fun things we have been up to.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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