Week beginning 23rd January
Date: 28th Jan 2017 @ 3:35pm
It has been another fast paced week in Year 1, the highlight of which was our Stay and Make session on Wednesday morning. Thank you so much to all the Mums, Dads and Grandparents that came along to help create our super heroes. The children were so proud of their collaboartive creations which are now proudly displayed in the classroom. Please do come into school to see them in all their glory! Also we have added lots of photos from the morning to our picture gallery.
In literacy we have been inventing our own super hero characters and stories. We made a class superhero story box and thought about all the elements to include in a good story.
In maths, we have continued to work on number bonds to 10 and 20 and investigated 2D and 3D shapes. The children have compared faces, vertices and edges in 3D shapes. In addition, we hope the 'My Maths' homework activity set last Wednesday has been enjoyed and has been useful.
We finished our work on the Kingdom of God this week and begin our work on forgiveness, focusing on the story of Jonah next week. Our assembly focus has been perseverance and we have thought about the things at home and school that we want to get better at with perseverance.
Next week we welcome Miss Wellings to Year 1 . She will work alongside Mrs Arthur and myself until half term, which gives her and the children a great opportunity to get to know each other. We know Miss Wellings is very happy to be part of the Brereton family.