Week beginning 18th April
Date: 21st Apr 2017 @ 12:19pm
Welcome back to the summer term.
We have had a fantastic week back in Year 1. We have already been working hard and managed to get 6 marbles in our jar!
In Literacy this week we have been looking at our new story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. When we came into the classroom on Tuesday morning, there were a variety of strange objects on the tables. After much discussion the children decided that these can only belong to Goldilocks and she must have brought them to Year 1 to hide them from the Three Bears. As well as writing an explanation for this, we went on to write a description about our own teddy bear.
In Maths this week we have been looking at a variety of number and place value problems. Some children have been securing their understanding of numbers to 20, others to 50 and some children have moved on to looking at numbers bigger than 100. It has been amazing to see how confident the children now are with their number work.
In RE this week we have started to look at the story of Zacchaeus. We read through the story in the Bible and then recreated it in small groups. We will be continuing this work next week, looking more closely at the teachings behind it.
In Art this week we have started to explore of new topic of bears. We firstly looked at 4 different types of bears, specially spotting the features that make them unique. With this knowledge we then went on to use oil pastels and water colours to create pictures of each bear.
Today I will send home a copy of the topic web and a mystery reader letter. If you would like to come in to read with the children, please fill this letter in and I will do my best to get as many people in as possible before the summer.
PE this term will still be on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon, so please ensure all children have their PE kits in for these days.
Maths homework will be changing this term as we are moving the children onto a greater depth of learning. I have given each child a wallet, which new homework will be put in on a Wednesday morning. This will then be collected in the following Wednesday and a new piece will be put in. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Finally, a quick recap of the key dates for this half term specially related to year 1:
Thursday 11th May – 3.30pm – Phonics Screening Meeting
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Wellings