w/e 27.9.19
Date: 27th Sep 2019 @ 4:58pm
It's been a very busy return to the school year and September is nearly, unbelievably, over already.
In maths we have been doing a lot of place value work, looking at numbers within hundred thousands, comparing, rounding, partitioning and representing numbers in different ways. The work that we did towards the end of year 4 has stood the children in good stead, they have remembered a lot and we have been able to build on it. We have picked up on knowledge of times tables - still some work to do here, I have given the children strategies for learning times tables at home.
In English our novel is 'The Lost Thing' by Shaun Tan. We have been doing a lot of word level work including emotional adjectives, modified nouns, adverbials and modal verbs. Short burst writing has so far consisted of a diary entry and a short advert. We have also written a letter in topic work and a report on a Christian community in RE. Read, write, inc spelling is going well with our foci so far having been words containing the letter string -ough, words ending in -ible, homophones and words with silent letter b. The class are enjoying our other stories in guided reading and the end of the day story.
Topic work has given an overview of Baghdad as the centre of the Islamic Empire, complemented by some lovely homework imaginatively produced by many of the children. We are about to move onto our second area which looks more closely at the House of Wisdom, and I'm planning where to slot in an art lesson which should produce some very striking work for the corridor!
Mrs Pulle is moving on successfully with her RE topic of Good News and as mentioned above, I have been working on Christian Communities with the class. The children managed very well this afternoon with their rendition of 2 harvest poems for our service in the school hall.
Science has involved prediction about the mixing of materials to make solutions and whether any of these processes are reversible. This threw up some very interesting questions and theories about evaporation which we will revisit next week as well as trying to separate a variety of materials by other means.
The class really enjoyed their visit to Barclays Radbroke Hall on Thursday morning. It was great to see how involved they got with the programming of the robots and how quickly they progressed with their understanding. I have uploaded a small selection of the photos taken by Miss Mitton to give you a flavour of the morning.