wb7.10.24 Y4
Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 12:55pm
The highlight of this week was definitely the Learning Exhibition. It was wonderful that all those who could come were able to see Year 4 in their own classroom. I was so pleased to watch how proud they were to share their knowledge and how happily they worked together to make this a success. Well done Year 4!
The PowerPoints that we have been working on were very impressive- and all the children's own work. Their animations and organisation of the slides showed their developing skills in this area. We also had a short drama to explain David and Goliath's tale, along with some maths exchange challenges. Expanding noun phrases and key vocab was the order of the day in English and there were some handy tips on how to be a good friend in the PSHE corner. To help the Stong Age along, the History team had added a joke slide and Science had a Guess Who game that was very popular. Finally, the PE team ably demonstrated 4 different types of netball pass. Superb effort, Year 4!
Throughout the week, we have been perfecting our 4 times table and also revisiting subtraction with exchanges. This will be the homework in the coming weeks. If there are any problems arising, please do get in touch.
In Guided Reading this week, we have been looking at adaptation. Through passages from the Habitats book, we have researched how a Sand Cat has changed over the generations to cope with the difficult circumstances it lives in- developing thick fur on their paws for one. Next week, we will be investigating earthworms through our texts.
In Spelling, we have moved on from -ly words (happy, happily) to inter- words. Inter- as a prefix means between, hence international and intergalactic. Our weekly spelling test is proving quite successful too. Well done to the great number in the class that are practising each week.
In Science, Mr Cotton began a new experiment- to see what would happen to an egg in its shell if it is left soaking in types af drinks. He had milk, Fanta, Sprite. I wonder what will happen to the shell over the next week...
Well done to Joe and Poppy this morning on their certificates for wonderful learning behaviour. And well done to Jack and Dougie for being on the winning team in the Elworth Cricket Under 8 pairs.
Wishing you a lovely weekend. If it's sunny maybe pop out on those bikes ready for next week's Bikeability!
Miss Porteous, Miss Gadsby and Mrs Marshfield.