wb 13.5. Y4

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 4:00pm

We are looking at some fabulous poems at the moment, all around the theme of the Vikings, including Rachel Piecey's To Asgard!. She performs it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY9zqB15YsE. The children had great fun memorising a stanza in teams. We looked at how the powerful imagery and rhythmic syllables make this an easy poem to remember. We then coupled this with actions to further help us. It resulted in a lively performance.

Also a lively performance was our session with Mr Jones, a violinist from Opera North. The children loved his teaching and learnt different bow techniques- staccato, spiccato and legato. The children made a beautiful sound and Mrs Gleave and I were glowing with pride. Mr Jones commented to Mrs Mclean about how polite the class is too!

Maths has been fun this week: we've moved on from Money to Time. We've been looking at calendars and how they work, thinking about Leap Years and why they exist and towards the end of the week we have focussed on reading the analogue (hour and minute hands) clock. We have also been practsing our 6 and 7 times tables daily. Well done to all those who are working hard in the evenings too- little and often! 

History has brought together the various strands of learning about the Windrush generation. At the beginning of the week, the children pieced together a timeline of events beginning with the Second World War. Then their learning has culminated in a written piece of work as they recorded their new knowledge.

In computing, we had a fabulous time programming our sprite to skate in different shapes. This challenged our measuring skills in both length and angles as the children remembered properties of shapes. The link for this is https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/245362186/editor/ . There is also an Elsa (Frozen) version here: https://studio.code.org/s/frozen/lessons/1/levels/1 

Next week, we are hoping to make a Haynes manual-style booklet with instructions on how to capture or destroy a Viking menace such as Jotnar or the odd Dwarf. This week, we have focussed on some skills towards this, not least possessive apostrophes. We have been writing sentences using 'the monster's fangs' or 'the monsters' fangs' and securing our skills in choosing where to place the apostrophe. In the past few weeks, this has been the focus in our homework books too. This is a key Year 4 skill.

As the week drew to a close, we celebrated Alfie, Isadora and Layla. Isadora and Layla have worked incredibly hard throughout the week with Isadora making a noticable improvement in her times tables. Alfie played accurately and beautifully for Mr Jones, thoroughly focussed and trying his best. Well done to you all.

And well done Year 4 on a great week in school. We wish you a lovely, perhaps sunny, weekend!


Mrs Tice, Mrs Gleave and Mrs Warren

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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