wb 12.11.18
Date: 12th Nov 2018 @ 4:40pm
Hope you all had a lovely half term holiday. We hit the ground running last Monday with notice of our SIAMS inspection last Thursday - this went very well, please look for the report on our website.
Our Associate Teacher Miss Cowen starts teaching Year 6 a bit more from this week. She will be leading some of the spelling and guided reading sessions, as well as leading a maths lesson from my planning and also teaching a science and a topic lesson.
English homework has gone out today but under the guise of RE. Please read the prompt carefully and hopefully it will make good sense. MyMaths or equivalent will come out on Wednesday. We are a little behind with maths at the moment so will be slotting some sessions in in the afternoons for the foreseeable future to catch up.
We had a fantastic visit to the Church this morning to consolidate some of our work on World War One - the ladies (and gentleman) at St. Oswald's had gone to a lot of trouble for us. The children began by 'signing up' to join the army on entry into Church, they were then escorted round the building to look at all the information and artefacts that were up - information about the 9 Brereton men who died, facts that they may not have known, a gun that had been dug up in a French field, a working stirrup pump, a table set with an Armistice celebration tea and more. The ladies had prepared some food from WW1 recipe books for the children to try if they wanted to, including fruit cake, ginger cake and macaroni. We also found out that 3 of the Brereton men who had died were related to 2 of the ladies that were there with us and one who helps out at Tuesday Club, so that made it all a bit more real for us.
Tomorrow Key Stage Two have an assembly led by a lady from 'My altered life' talking about facial disfigurement and how children with this may experience school life, followed by a writing workshop for each class in turn.
The Year 6 timetable has changed slightly following half term. PE is now on a Friday afternoon, swimming has finished and the class have Mrs. Pulle teaching them RE on a Tuesday afternoon. They will still have Mr Stanway teaching computing while I do French with Year 4.
Hopefully there will be some photos attached to this from the Church this morning.