wb 10.6.24

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 3:59pm

Congratulations on your achievements this week, Year 4- not least your Multiplication Tables Check. I have been very impressed, both with your hard work towards this test and also your composure on the day. The practice you have put in will stand you in good stead throughout life. 

The hard work has continued in our Maths as we explore further the subject of polygons. This week, we have encountered quadrilaterals, rhombuses (or rhombi), parrallograms, trapezium, irreguar and regular shapes- quite a list! Next week, we will begin looking at statistics and how to collect them.

Research of one of two subjects has taken up most of our English time this week. The choice is between Sir David Attenborough and Malala Yousafzai- both dramatic lives in their own right.Next week will be the final plan and write up. Besides the research, we have been looking at -ly and -ally words and the spelling rules connected with them. We have also been looking at the key features of a biography- paragraphs in chronological order, third person and the fronted adverbials that order our events.

The children did a wonderful job of playing the harmony part to our new strings project, Because He Lives. They focussed very closely on bow angle and controlling which string they are on by the height of their elbow. We also recalled our key vocabulary, demonstrating staccato and legato beautifully.

In Forest School this week, we began to consider how, on occasions, we all wear a mask to some extent to conceal our feelings. We began to explore when this can become a unhealthy thing and when it is best to find someone or something to do to help us with our worries. This we did by making a mask- the type we used to wear during COVID. On the front, we wrote I'm Fine! But on the inside, we began to record the niggles of life and the worries we may have that we conceal from others and carry with us each day. This activity is done discreetly, giving the children time to explore their emotions and see what may come up but without having to share with the class. It is hoped through this project that the children grow in awareness of how to work out problems in a way that will develop and support their mental health.

Also this week, we have started our geography unit about Volcanoes. This week we learnt what a volcano is and how they are formed. We watched the introduction of BBC's Planet Earth episode on Volcanoes which they were very keen to continue. If they wanted to watch it at home it's on BBC Iplayer: BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 1. Volcano. We learnt about tectonic plates and how they move in different ways which can cause a volcano. We also looked at where volcanoes occur and learnt about the Ring of Fire, which is a path along the Pacific Ocean where 75% of the Earth's volcanoes and earthquakes are located.

The week ended with another trip to Reception for our gardening buddies scheme. It is heartening to see how considerate Year 4 are towards their buddies. Back in our classroom, the children were encouraged to always treat their classmates with such kindness and gentleness.

This week's certificates went to both Tom and Elizabeth for showing beautiful moments of kindness and friendship throughout the past few weeks. A special certificate also went to Orla from Miss Mitton for similar circumstances- for always helping with Reception children cleaning their trays after lunch.

Hoping you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Tice, Mrs Warren and Mrs Gleave.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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