wb 1.10.18
Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 4:37pm
Maths: we have now come to the end of our work on multiplication and will be starting division this week. The problem solving today was quite challenging! We have continued with revisiting times tables - this week we will be looking particularly at 7x and 9x while still going back to those we have already looked at. Some of the children have accurate recall of times tables in a quick test for example, but then find that their accuracy tails off when working with problem solving. This indicates that revision and learning of all times tables is still needed.
English: our spelling rule this week is adding -ing as a suffix to base words. We are continuing to work through the novel 'Holes' in guided reading. In writing, the children have enjoyed the story of 'The Lost Happy Endings' so far and all contributed to a fantastic shared write last Friday. Tomorrow they are doing their own individual work on this and later in the week will be interviewing characters to gather information to write a piece for a 'radio broadcast'.
Science: this week we will be investigating how shadows behave when you move the light source from an opaque object.
RE: we have now completed our work on 'Good News' and this week it is time for the assessment piece.
You will find an email today about our planned visit to City Central Mosque in Hanley on October 17th.
Topic: we are investigating why the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 was a significant event in British history.
French: we managed to start learning about the conjugating of verbs last week as well as bringing in some of our prior learning to enable the children to hold a short conversation. We will extend this this week, bringing in some characters, picture cards and French place names to apply our learning to. We will also be working on our pronunciation.
Harvest: on Tuesday afternoon we will be practising our harvest poem, I have asked the children to ensure that they come into school having learned their allocated lines. There is a whole school practice on wednesday and then the Harvest Service is at church on Thursday at 10 a.m. weather permitting.
MyMaths homework has been set, due in Wednesday. Some of it involves multiplying 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers. We have not covered this in class although I left a note and an example for the children to copy into their planners today before they went swimming. When multiplying e.g. 648 x 43, the children should be able to tell you that you multiply 6,4,8, in turn by 3, then multiply 6,4,8 in turn by 4 - technically you are multiplying by 40 so you insert a place holder zero and then you can multiply by 4 not 40. This principle is extended with the following calculation - 648 x 243. So firstly you multiply 6,4,8 by 3, then 6,4,8 by 4 (40) then 6,4,8 by 2 (it's 200 really so now you need to insert 2 place holder zeros and then you can continue to multiply by only 2).
Hope to see you at church on Thursday.