W.B 25th September
Date: 24th Sep 2017 @ 6:19pm
Last week in year four we focussed on introducing four digit numbers in maths learning how to compare these numbers as well as solving problems including partitioning. We continued our writing by looking at character descriptions and learning the many rules that exist when utilising speech. This will enable the children to give their characters much more personality when we write our stories of the coming weeks.
This week we will be learning about ordering and rounding to the nearest 1000. In English we will be completing our innovated stories and then learning about editing stories by being self critical and using peer assessment to improve our setence structure, choice of language and spelling. In science we will be learning about different pitches that can be made and how this is done. The children will have the opportunity to create pan pipes with different pitches from straws. In RE we will be concluding our learning about the good news presented in bible stories told by Jesus before moving on to our learning about God.
Exciting news this coming week as our new English homework books have arrived and the children will now be completing tasks from these books to ensure consolidation of in school teaching.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all this week.
Mr Stanway