W.B 20.3.17
Date: 18th Mar 2017 @ 3:26pm
Firstly, I have to say how brilliant it was to see all parents last week to report on how the children are getting on in school. Your continued support is invaluable.
This coming week is a busy one again in school. Friday is our easter service at church and we look forward to seeing many of you there. The children have been given the poem we are reading as a class to learn and any help you can offer with this would be appreciated.
We will be having a large focus on times tables in the coming weeks and I have placed numerous interactive resources on the blog for the children to have a go at.
In English we are moving on to writing recounts this week as part of our non fiction unit. We will be linking our learning to the text 'A walk in London'. In maths this week we will be learning about the properties of shape.
A quick reminder, Mrs Tice will not be in school until after Easter. However, the children have music sheets with their instruments to practice.
This weeks spelling are as follows:
permission |
expression |
confession |
admission |
discussion |
emission |
profession |
precession |