Reception's Blog Week Beginning Monday 30th November

Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 9:15pm

This week I would like to dedicate our blog to saying thank you to our parents. We have always considered ourselves to be very lucky with the support we have from our parents, but we don’t always get the chance to say thank you. From the comments on how we are making school so fun and exciting, to the appreciation for the additional time spent on reading and writing, providing costumes for nativity and parties, supporting our PTA with raffles and competitions and not forgetting the time you are spending with your children completing homework. The children really are making fantastic progress and it is due to the support that the children have around them, so thank you.

Most of our learning this week has been based around our nativity ‘Miracle in Town’. We started learning from the bible about the story of the very first Christmas, before relating it to our nativity. The children were able to recall the main parts of the story and talk about which character they played. On Wednesday and Thursday we put the nativity together and the children were incredibly patient and very proud of their performance. We very much look forward to sharing this with you in a few weeks’ time.

In maths this week, we have continued our work on more and fewer which the children seem to be more confident with now. They were able to compare amounts with others justifying their answers. In addition to this we have started to look at form the numbers 5 and 6.

In addition to this, we have had lots of wedding talk and celebrations. On Wednesday afternoon, we made confetti, wrote invitations, created decorations and talked about the things Miss Sherliker might like to have at her wedding. Today we had a wonderful celebrating Miss Sherliker and having a wondering time together. I hope you enjoy looking through the photos.

I have decided not to set any homework this week as the children have worked extremely hard this week and would benefit from a weekend of rest. If however you feel you would like to continue writing with your child, we are learning the sound ‘e’ if you would like to have a look  at writing.

Wishing you a restful weekend,

Miss Wellings



Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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