Reception's Blog - Week Beginning Monday 15th October
Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 4:01pm
Happy Friday! What a busy week it’s been.
On Tuesday morning, the whole school were involved in ‘Kenya Day’ due to us being twinned with St Lwanga School. We started the morning off with an activity assembly; all year groups were mixed and challenged to find similarities and differences between the UK and Kenya. The rest of the morning was spent in different classrooms with each teacher having their own activity. The childen have painted Kenyan art, learned a Kenyan dance and looked at the types of clothing worn. It was a wonderful change to our usual routine and the children got an awful from it.
On Wednesday, we of course had our Julia Donaldson day. The children made such a great effort with their costumes so thank you so much for helping out with those. We spent the day reading various Julia Donaldson stories as well as using our literacy and maths sessions to incorperate ‘What the ladybird heard’.
In maths this week, we have ordered numbers from 0-20. Some children were able to recognise the missing numbers as well as writing the missing digits to 20.
In literacy, we have continued to work on our story, ‘Meerkat mail’ in preparation for our trip to Reeseheath Zoo on Monday. We wrote labels similar to those that Sunny wrote in the story. We recognised initial sounds, wrote our name and discussed the area that we live in. It’s wonderful to see how the children are now beginning to write words and form short sentences; they are taking great pride in being able to do this.
Please check diaires for the following week as there is a note already in place so that everyone is prepared for the trip on Monday.
Have a wonderful, restful weekend.
Miss Wellings and Miss Sherliker