Reception's Blog - Week Beginning Monday 15th March
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 9:20am
Reception have settled back in to school life this week and it is as if they have never been away. We have been particularly proud of the way the children have been helping each other, making sure they are playing fairly and showing resilience with writing.
As we look forward to next week, we will be recapping the sounds ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘sh’ with all children as they aren’t fully secure with these yet and then move on to look at the set 2 sounds ‘ir’ and ‘oy’ in our phonics sessions.
In literacy next week we will be exploring our class text further by looking at missing words and meanings. We will be exploring new vocabulary such as ‘peered’, ‘beneath’ and ‘mystery’ before going on to write our own letters and stories.
In Maths, we will continue our work on numbers to 10. By the end of the week we would like the children to be recalling these number bonds without using counters and apparatus so it may be a nice idea to practise these with your child over the breakfast or dinner table.
During our topic sessions next week, we will looking at musical instruments we could use alongside our topic story, completing observational drawings of flowers, building our confidence with speaking in front of the class, learning the Easter story and following two step instructions.
We hope you enjoy looking through the photos from this week and have a restful weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.
The Reception Team