Reception Week Beginning Monday 16th November
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 7:54pm
Here is a selection of photos from another wonderful week in Reception. Superhero day was a huge success and the children seemed to enjoy dressing up and getting into the role of their character very much.
In literacy we have been focussing on writing labels, forming letter correctly and listening to each sound in words. In maths we have been measuring using multilink, grouping items and looking at more and less. Topic this week has all been based around our superhero topic, so making masks, designing super charging necklaces and designing our own capes.
Next week we jump headfirst into nativity practise. You will find a copy of the lines in their planners so please practise your child’s lines with them as often as possible. I have also advised (through class dojo) which part the children have been given so that you are able to begin looking at costume ideas. We have lots of costumes in school, so if you need any help with them please send me a message via dojo and I will save a costume for them.
A little reminder about snack. I am sure the children have told you, but we have had a huge push on healthy snacks this week and we will continue to do so going forward. The children are allowed one snack in the morning (toast or a healthy choice from home) and then a piece of fruit in the afternoon with their milk. This has changed our lunchtimes completely and the children are now eating most of their lunch up.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team