Reception W/B 9th January 2017
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 8:36pm
First Week Back!
It has been lovely to see the children this week and hear about their holidays. All of the staff have missed the children’s cheery faces and it was great to hear about their holidays…it sounds like they have had a lovely time! We have been really impressed by their eagerness to return to school and their positive attitude to their work.
In Literacy this week we have started to learn our new Talk 4 Writing story…Supertato! The children have had lots of fun retelling the story using vegetables and they have written some fantastic wanted posters. These are already on display in our classroom so please do pop in and have a look! We have also made our own Supertatoes using real potatoes and with sugar paper. For homework, we have sent home a ‘Supertato Home Learning Challenge’. These activities are optional but if you do complete them sure to add them to Tapestry!
During our Maths lessons we have been learning how to collect data and transfer it in a pictogram. We used this process to find out who was the most popular superhero. The staff asked the pupil questions such as ‘How many people liked…’ and ‘How many more people liked … than …’. If you’d like to practise further why not complete your own at home? You could find out what is the most popular fruit, pet or sport? The link below will also allow the pupils to practise their skills.
In PE we have started Gymnastics. Behaviour was exemplary throughout the session and we look forward to building the pupils’ skills. In RE we have started our new unit of work ‘Kingdom of God’ and we explored what qualities a king should have.
Next week we will be changing the story of Supertato to make our own stories. In Maths we will be learning how to order and sequence a selection of numbers. Next week is also Miss Stewarts final week with us before she returns to university to complete her teaching qualification. We hope to make it her best week yet!
As ever if you have any queries or concerns do not hesitate to come and speak to us.