Reception ~ W/B 4th January 2016
Date: 8th Jan 2016 @ 9:31pm
Happy New Year!
What a super start to the new term! The children have settled back into their routines well, worked hard and behaved wonderfully. Well done everyone!
This half term we will be focussing on the Polar Regions. We have used a globe to find Antarctica and the Arctic and we have started to learn about the animals that live there. In Literacy we have been writing labels and using non-fiction books to find out about the different animals. Our new role play has provided us with lots of opportunities to engage imaginatively and use new vocabulary.
In Maths we have been collecting data and transferring it to a pictogram. We had lots of fun asking our friends which was their favourite animal and we were able to compare our results with confidence.
On Wednesday Mrs Taylor showed us a video of the Northern Lights. Our challenge was then to create chalk drawings of this wonderful natural phenomena. Mrs Taylor taught us how to use our finger as an artists tool and we enjoyed getting messy.
Our Science challenge this week was to help rescue our frozen ‘Frozen’ characters and Arctic animals. We explored what happened to the ice and how it felt.
In RE Mrs Riley, Mrs Gleave and Miss Goff shared some objects that were special to them. During our discussions we concluded that it was often who the item made us think of that made it special to us, not the cost. For homework share your special objects and we will look at the children’s own special items next Friday.
Friday also saw our first gymnastics lesson. I was very impressed by the children’s behaviour as we explored different ways of moving, both on the floor and on the benches.
Have a lovely weekend recharging!
Miss Goff