Reception WB 26th September 2016
Date: 1st Oct 2016 @ 8:14am
The Enormous Turnip
This week we have had a wonderful time learning to tell the story 'The Enormous Turmip.' We acted out the story and wrote labels for the characters. Everybody tried really hard with this first piece of writing: we were very proud! Towards the end of the week we made changes to the story and we will tell you this new version at our Harvest Service on Friday 7th October at 2pm. We hope you can make it!
In Maths we have been using balance scales to weigh and compare different vegetables. We have also been using vegetables to create pictures, in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
During our RE lesson we continued our theme of 'Good News' and we listened to the story of The Good Samaritan. The children were able to voice their opinions and thoughts in a wonderfully mature manner.
For Harvest we are collecting goods for our local food bank. Vounteers have informed us they are particularly short of the following items: tinned fruit and vegetables; long life milk; tinned puddings and toiletries. Thank you in advance.
Have a wonderful weekend!