Reception ~ W/B 21st September 2015
Date: 25th Sep 2015 @ 9:24pm
Another Busy Week in Reception!
This week we have been looking at the story of Rapunzel. We have described the characters in the story and we have worked hard to sequence pictures from the story to make our own story books.
In Numeracy we have been learning to count accurately. We practised moving the items into a line as we counted them and we then checked our answer. As we have been studying the story of Rapunzel we also looked at ordering items by length and we were challenged to order locks of Rapunzel’s hair.
In RE this week we have continued our work on ‘Belonging’ by looking at Christenings and Baptisms. On Tuesday we will be meeting Robin at church to find out more about what happens during a Christening. If your child has been christened why not share any photos or artefacts you may have with them?
In Phonics Miss Goff’s group have been looking at the sounds s, m and d. We have practised sorting objects depending upon their initial sounds and writing the letter, forming it correctly. We have also been looking at end sounds (drum, glass, shed). Why not see if you can spot these letters whilst out and about? Mrs Gleave’s group have also been looking at initial sounds and they will be learning these letters next week.
Well done to all of the children for their excellent reading of their High Frequency Word cards! We can tell you have been practising and we are very impressed!
Thank you for a super week Reception! Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Goff