Reception WB 14th November
Date: 18th Nov 2016 @ 8:51pm
Busy, Busy, Busy!
In Maths this week we have been learning about addition and we have been using counters, Numicon and our fingers to help us. We have talked about the symbols we see in a sum and what they mean. If you would like to practise addition at home here are some useful websites:
In Literacy we have been continuing to learn the story Farmer Duck. The children have written some lovely labels and created some wonderful thank you cards from Farmer Duck to the other animals.
On Wednesday we had a very special visit from Nibbles, Squeak and Peaches, Sienna's pets. The children really enjoyed meeting them and learning more about how to care for guinea pigs and rabbits. A big thank you to Mrs Mathers and Sienna for bringing them.
We have also been busy practising our songs and lines for the Nativity. Miss Stewart taught us a new song, Feliz Navidad, which we will perform at the end of our production. If you would like to practise at home here is a YouTube link:
You should find the Nativity script in your child book band. Please practise this as often as you can. Try to focus on when to speak (so say the line that comes before theirs) and volume (stand at the bottom of the stairs and get them to shout their lines down to you). Don't worry if they don't say exactly what's on the paper!
Next week promises to be just as busy. On Monday we are journeying to Pets at Home in Northwich. We will provide snacks so the children are not required to bring anything with them. On Friday it is our Christmas Fair. Please try to help our wonderful PTA by offering to support on a stall for 20-30 mins. All funds raised go directly to the school and if everyone does a little bit it means we can all enjoy the fair and no one is missing out.
Have a lovely weekend!