Meeting for parents December 9th
Date: 30th Nov 2016 @ 8:32am
Dear parents of year 6 children,
Our class assembly will be held on Friday December 9th
starting at 2:55pm and I hope you will be able to attend.
I would like to hold a meeting for Y6 parents in the classroom following this assembly, to give you information about the
SATs tests in May 2017.
Timetable changes for Y6 in spring term 2017.
Suggestions for Y6 Prom in summer 2017.
The above information will go onto the school website if you are unable to attend. However it would be preferable if you could be there if possible, so that you can be part of the discussion and ask any questions that you may have.
Hope to see you on the 9th.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. T. Collier.