Happy Easter, Reception!
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:20pm
As another half term draws to a close, our Reception team are feeling incredibly proud of the children and very lucky to spend our days with such a magical, joyous class. The end of a half term is always a time to reflect on the superb progress that each and every child has made and the fun and experiences we have shared together. It was an absolute delight to meet with you all to talk about your wonderful children who are such a credit to you.
I wish you all an incredibly happy and blessed Easter. We have had a wonderful week of Easter learning and celebrations, including making Easter nest cakes, making Easter cards, going on an Easter egg hunt, Easter Forest School activities, Easter prayer stations in the hall and a visit from Open the Book. It has been lovely to observe how thoroughly and thoughtfully Reception have remembered and understood the Easter story. They show such a beautiful understanding of the importance of Holy Week for Christians and it has been such a delight to observe their enthusiasm for sharing this ‘good news’ with others. This really shone through as we delivered Easter cards and daffodils around the village. The children were just delightful and were very chatty and polite when talking to the residents of Brereton. They were so excited to have brought such joy to others and I was a very proud teacher!
I hope that it is a lovely (and restful!) Easter holiday; the children are feeling tired after working so hard this term and must be so ready for a break! I shall look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 15th April where our exciting exploration of Space begins!
With huge thanks and warm wishes,
Miss Witham