End of Autumn 1

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 4:00pm

Well done to everyone on a fantastic start to Year 6.

This half term we have enjoyed forest school, bikeability, science with cabbage, a walk to church and of course all our usual work in school. We have been very busy!

Our first 2 pieces of extended writing have been fantastic, it has been wonderful to see everyone so engaged with our Charles Darwin unit and I look forward to seeing the writing you will create next half term.

We will be moving on to Geography after the holidays, looking at a variety of different countries and their ways of life, comparing these to our own and challenging stereotypes.

PE will remain on Wednesday afternoon, however, we will no longer be having our forest school session. Our sessions will resume after the Christmas holidays. A reminder that we have our Chester Zoo trip on 22nd November and theatre on the 5th December which we are very much looking forward to!

It was lovely to catch up with everyone during parent consultations and share all the children's achievements. If anyone did not get an appointment, please let me know and we can arrange one for the first week back.

Wishing everyone a wonderful half term!

Mrs Pirie 

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931


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