wb 16.10 Year 4
wb 9.10.23 Year 4
wb 2.10.23 Year 4
wb 25.9.23
wb 18.9 Y4
wb 11.9.23
Final week in Year 4
Year 4 Sports Day
wb 10.7.23
Year 4 wb 12.6.23
Morning! York Day 3
York Day 2
York Day 1
Our half-termly visit to Church
Money Maths
Spring Term- Final Week
Signing with Miss Mitton
Open The Book
First week of Spring 2
wb 13.2
Our first strings lesson
Christmas Week Year 4
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Party!
Our week 7.11
Brereton C E Primary School
School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN
Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson or Senco: Richard Cotton
Tel: 01270 918931
Email: [email protected]