Gruffalo Crumble Recipe
Reception ~ W/B 24th October 2016
Reception W/B 17th October
Reception W/B 3rd October 2016
Meerkat Mail
Reception WB 26th September 2016
Reception WB 19th September 2016
Reception W/B 12th September
First Week!
Reception Autumn Term
Not Long Now!
Sports Week ~ Rec/Y1/Y2
Reception Class Assembly
Reception ~ W/B 6th June
The King of the Tiny Things
Reception ~ WB 9th May
Reception ~ WB 2nd May
Reception W/B 25th April
Reception W/B 18th April
Stay and Make - Reception
Reception ~ W/B 29th February
Welcome Back Reception!
Reception ~ W/B 8th February
Safer Internet Day
Brereton C E Primary School
School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN
Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson or Senco: Richard Cotton
Tel: 01270 918931
Email: [email protected]