Year 6 w/b 13.01.25
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 1:16pm
What a busy week we've had in Year 6!
In English, we have been analysing our focus text in more detail. Rose Blanche discovers a concentration camp full of children in the forest near her home town and silently takes food to them for the remainder of the war. Heartbreakingly though, we think there is no happy ending for Rose, we were left on a bit of a cliffhanger, as the writer on says ‘There was a shot’ and we feared the worse. We looked at some of the vocabulary from the text and thought carefully about how Rose might have felt seeing all of the prisoners.
In Maths, we have begun our unit on ratio. Ratio tells us how much of one thing there is in relation to another thing. For example, 'For every 2 apples we have 3 bananas'. To begin with whether we focused on the multiplicative relationships between parts to whole or whole to parts. Ratio allow the multiplicative relationship to be seen.
In Art, we learnt all about the WWII artist, Henry Moore. During World War II, he was commissioned by the War Artists Advisory Committee to make drawings of people in London using underground stations as bomb shelters. The scratchy dark drawings powerfully capture the feelings of anxiety that people must have felt.
in History, we learnt all about the life of an evacuee. Evacuation tried to ensure the safety of young children from the cities that were considered to be in danger of German bombing - London, Coventry, Birmingham, Portsmouth etc.
We had a wonderful walk down to church where Rev. Sandi told us the Bible story taken from (John 2:1-11). The first miracle of Jesus takes place at Cana in Galilee.
There was a wedding feast and sometimes they lasted up to seven days! Jesus had 6 of His Disciples with Him and they had been travelling for three days. Mary, His mother, told Jesus that there is no wine. He turned water into wine and what this amazing event teaches us about Jesus’ power and kindness helps us see how Jesus cares for people’s needs and celebrates joyful moments with them.
In Forest School, we made WWII shelters. Several different types of air raid shelters were used by the people of Britain during the Blitz of World War 2. Some of these shelters made use of structures and underground spaces which already existed, and some of the shelters were constructed from scratch. We used tarpauline, wood and rope to construct our shelters.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor 😊