Year 4 Spring 1 Week 2

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 4:49pm

This week we have had a lot of reflection time in worship and in our classroom thinking about refugees around the world who are going through some very difficult times.   It has made us think about what the most important things in our life really are.


In our Ready, Steady Spell lessons we have been looking at words with the ‘ai’ sound spelt as ‘ei’ such as vein, the ‘ai’ sound spelt as ‘eigh’ such as eighteen, and the ‘ai’ sound spelt as ‘ey’ such as in survey. Today, the children have gone home with their spellings and will be tested on these next Friday.


In guided reading we have really been finding evidence that supports the theory that Beowulf isn’t a real human, whether Beowulf and his men were nervous before confronting Grendel, and learning new vocabulary such as: proclaimed, gratitude, writhed, yearn, and reeled.  The children have been trying hard to read with more fluency.


In English, we have been looking closely at speech. The inverted commas (or speech marks) start and finish the spoken words. If the reporting clause comes at the beginning of a sentence, then a comma is needed before the inverted commas. We have used this information to write a dialogue between the main characters in our twisted narrative. The children have looked at the language and structural features of a narrative this week, so hopefully they will be starting to feel more confident about planning their story next week.


In maths, we have been dividing by 10 and 100, and the children have been using base ten to deepen their understanding of division. One tenth the size of something is the same as dividing by 10. When we divide by ten, the digits move one place to the right. Multiplying and dividing by ten are the inverses of each other. When we divide by 100, the digits move two places to the right. Looking at problems with money, such as exchanging pounds for pence, has been helpful. 

We have looked more closely at the relationship between multiplication and division:

4x7=28….4x70=280…4x700=2800   /  12 divided by 3=4… 120 divided by 3 = 40…. 1200 divided by 3 = 400


Our Makaton sign this week is ‘I want to play’













Kind regards

Year 4 Team (Miss Moran, Mrs Marshfield, Miss Gadsby, Miss Porteous and Mrs McAree)


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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