Year 4 class blog w/b 27.1.20
Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 3:08pm
We have had a fantastic fortnight. Thank you for your support with homework and particularly for encouraging your children with timetables Rockstars. Please don’t stress about this- it is supposed to be a fun way to learn your tables. Studio is a great way to improve time, while garage works through levels more slowly. Sound check is a very similar format to the times tables test in summer so is definitely worth utilising. We currently have a top 10 ‘Hall of Fame’ in class as well as a ‘most improved rock star.’
Our focus in Maths over the past fortnight has been multiplication and division, focusing on a formal method for multiplication and dividing (with remainders). In English, we have been writing diaries, setting descriptions and been working on the use of fronted adverbials and inverted commas.
The children have been learning about sound in Science with Mr Cotton, while in PE they have been arching and bridging (gymnastics). In RE, we have been focusing on the kingdom of God. In topic we have been looking at the rights of a child and been creating art work based on the book Dreams of Freedom.
Mr McAulay