Year 2 w/b 10th June

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 3:49pm

In English this week, we explored our model text ‘The Fantastic Flying Machine’ and looked at a range of new vocabulary (strike, holders, propeller, ground-breaking, take-off, release, old rusty motor, rev the engine, spark the old motor into action, breath-taking views, generates the wind power, lift off the ground, capture the wind, engine will take over). We then used our comprehension skills to draw and label the machine based on the explanation text alone. Later in the week, we became grammar detectives, completing three short grammar-based challenges – using conjunctions in sentences, fixing SPaG mistakes and writing questions. We are looking forward to planning our very own explanation texts.

In maths this week, we have continued with our unit ‘position and direction’. We have been focusing on:

  • Combining rotation and linear movement in order to follow or describe a designated path.
  • Applying what we have learnt about rotation and position in order to complete and describe patterns.

In geography, we recapped our understanding of human and physical features and the differences between cities and villages. This week, we were exploring two cities: Manchester and Nairobi. After finding out lots about each city, we looked at their features and worked with a partner to classify them as human or physical. This helped us to write about the similarities and differences between the two cities.

In RE this week, we used religious vocabulary to describe similarities and differences between places of worship (church, mosque, synagogue and mandir).

In history, we completed our end of unit quiz for our ‘Great Fire of London and Nantwich’ topic.

In music this week, we started our unit ‘Down in the jungle’. We learnt the lyrics to a new song ‘Down in the jungle’ and chose four jungle animals (elephant, snake, crocodile and gorilla). We were then split into four groups and picked out instruments that could be used for each animal, discussing how this could be played. Finally, we started to create a piece of music together.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed two lessons of computing. Firstly, we thought about how astronauts can keep clean in space, what they need to survive and one thing that needs to be monitored in space. Next, we looked at the temperatures of various locations in and around our school and inputted this data into an excel spreadsheet. After this, we were introduced to some fact files about different fake planets and compared them to our planet, Earth. We learnt that Earth is in the 'Goldilocks zone', meaning that it is not too cold or too hot, it is just right! Finally, we created another excel spreadsheet and included: the name of the planet, size, colour, number of moons and name of the star.

In art, we enjoyed looking at more of LS Lowry's artwork, we discussed the colours he had used and how his figures looked like matchstick men.  We carefully cut out a section from one of Lowry’s paintings and tried to emulate this missing section.  It was quite tricky but we were particularly proud of ourselves as you couldn't really tell the difference when they were finished!

We are looking forward for our KS1 and EYFS sports morning on Tuesday! Please could I ask children to come to school in PE kits on both Monday and Tuesday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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