W.B 23.10.17
Date: 22nd Oct 2017 @ 8:37pm
Evening all,
I hope you had enjoyed your weekend and managed to rest prepare for the last week of half term.
This week we have parents consultations on Tuesday morning and Thursday evening. I am looking forward to seeing everybody over the course of these two occasions.
In English, we will be conluding our learning about newspapers with the children applying everything they have learnt to a report about the beheading of Henry VIII's wife Anne Boleyn. This is an excellent opportunity for the children to use their skills in a topic based context.
We will be concluding our learning about the story of Daniel in RE this week before the children complete an assessment question for this half term's learning.
In maths, we will be ensuring we make correct choices when using mental and written methods of subtraction alongside using the inverse and estimation to check an answer is correct.
After half term we will be leading remembrance at church for the whole school. Therefore, expect the children to bring home a script for this with each of them having a part to play in the production of the service as well as our class contribution.
I will be sending out confirmation of the total cost for our residential to York along with a payment card.
I look forward to seeing all of you over the next week. As always, if you have anything you wish to discuss with me, feel free to talk to me at the end of the day or speak to Mrs Sant in the school office.
Enjoy your Sunday evening,
Mr Stanway