Next half term - Year 1
Date: 31st Oct 2015 @ 9:49am
I hope you have all enjoyed the half term holiday. I can't wait to hear all about it and share with your children all about our global link trip to Kenya! I hope you find the following information useful in supporting your children. If you do have any questions, please ask or write a note in your child's planner.
Dates for the diary:
11/11/15: Remembrance Service at St. Oswald's
20/11/15: Coronation Day (Fancy dress – princesses/princes/knights/medieval dress)
27/11/15: Lyme Park Trip (Fancy dress – as above)
11/12/15: KS1 Trip to the Pantomime
14/12/15: Nativity Performance 2pm
15/12/15: Nativity Performance 2pm
Next half term:
- WC 2/11/15: Creating and determining patterns, odd and even numbers, sorting numbers.
- WC 9/11/15: Fractions – halves and quarters.
- WC 16/11/15: Capacity – link to fractions (half full, quarter full).
- WC 23/11/15: Money – recognise coins, different ways to make amounts - link to addition/subtraction.
- WC 30/11/15: Time – sequencing language (yesterday, tomorrow, ago, last, next), days of the week, months of the year, measure and begin to record time in seconds, minutes and hours.
- Continuous work – Number bonds to 10 and 20, addition and subtraction, place value of numbers (splitting numbers into tens and ones e.g. 15 is made up of a 10 and 5 ones), counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, using maths in 'real-life' situations, hour and half past the hour times.
When we start back next week we will be making a start on a version of 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' which we will read, learn and change to create our own stories which we look forward to sharing with you! We will also be focusing on the following things:
- Forming sentences – say the sentence first, re-read as you write, try to ‘hear’ where the big pause is to put a full stop.
- Using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, for names, for places, for days of the week and for months of the year.
- Leaving ‘finger spaces’ between words.
- Using question marks at the end of questions.
- Using and recognising adjectives as ‘describing words’ and appreciate the impact it has on the picture that the reader imagines ('The short, slender girl called the huge, furry dog.' or 'The strong, tall girl called the tiny, weak dog.')
I hope you find this useful and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Miss McCann