Year 5: Next half term

Date: 10th Nov 2015 @ 5:00pm

I hope you all had a lovely break and it was a pleasure to meet everyone at parent's consultations. We have a busy half term ahead of us in year 5! Tomorrow's Rememberance service will be led by year 5 and they have all been working very hard practicing this week! Next week is our class assembly, which will follow our Victorian theme. Hopefully by now you have seen the letter asking to bring in costumes next week. (Thursday at the latest please.) If this is not possibly, do not worry as anyone without a costume can wear their uniform, minus the jumper and tie. However it would be fantastic to see them in costumes. They have had a bit of practice but will be practicing over the next week and a half before the 20th. If your child has any words to learn, please ensure they know them before next week as we will not be using the script on the day. Thank you.

Our visit to Blist Hill is also not far away! I have my adult size chimney sweeper outfit all ready for the 27th! I am really looking forward to the visit, which will be a great opportunity for year 5 to experience what life was like in the Victorian era. Please can anybody who hasn't yet given in their permission slip do so as soon as possible.

In maths this half term we will be continuing to use the four mathematical functions (multiplication, division, addition and subtraction), using mental methods, as well as formal written methods. We will also be looking at square numbers, cube numbers and prime numbers. In order to help your child, it would be great to practice times tables at home, as well as square numbers up to 12.

In English we are using the book King Kong as a stimulus to aid our writing skills. We will be using the book to think about character's feelings, as well as inferrence skills. Furthermore we will be looking to write newpaper reports to portray the events of the story. We will continue to look at ways to make our writing interesting, using thesauruses and different sentence structures. Please can any reading at home be recorded and signed at least once a week. Many thanks again.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Mr McAulay

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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