Year 2 w/b 20th September

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 4:03pm

Mrs Warren, Mr Cotton and I have thoroughly enjoyed another fantastic week with Year 2. This week, the children are particularly proud of their writing. To demonstrate our innovation skills, we have spent the week writing our own finding narratives, which involve our own: magical creature, characters, exciting setting, problem and solution. Our Year 2 authors have worked very hard to complete their excellent stories and are looking forward to publishing them next week. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each story as they have progressed and I love that each story is very different from the next.

In maths, we have continued to look at our Power Maths unit, ‘Numbers to 100.’ We started the week by representing a number on a place value grid to show how many tens and ones it has. Thank you for your support with the homework to reinforce this concept. We then moved onto comparing numbers using the ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ symbols and vocabulary.

Our big question in science this week was: ‘What if animals did not have young?” In this lesson, we looked at pictures of animals and their young and identified animals that look like their young (e.g. a horse and its foal) and those that don’t (e.g. a frog and its tadpoles).

In our PE session, we completed some more activities to assess our fitness. This time, this involved long-distance running. When running, the children demonstrated wonderful aspiration and perseverance, whilst their Year 2 friends cheered them along from the side. What super sportsmanship and team spirit!

In RE, as we continue to think about Jesus as the ‘bringer of good news’ for Christians, we were introduced to a second story from the New Testament - Miracle: Healing of the ten lepers Luke 17:11-19. We enjoyed acting out this Bible story to consolidate our understanding. Please see the photos below.

This week, our geography learning took place during our Forest School session. Our objective this week was to give and follow simple directions to describe routes on a map. Therefore, we divided into teams and were given a map of the school grounds. Mr Simmons had hidden letters around the grounds and marked them on the maps. Our challenge was to give and follow directions within our teams in order to find each letter. We used locational, directional and positional language, such as: near, far, left, right, along, forward, up, down, turn, straight on. Once we had found all of the letters, we unscrambled them to reveal the message: ‘The Bog Baby’! All of the teams were very proud of this achievement, as the photos show.

In DT this week, we continued to practise our running stitch and design our puppets; the children swapped over to make sure that they had completed both activities. The designs, once again, look excellent and we are most excited to begin the first stage of making these puppets next week. As the photos show, the children were very proud of their running stitches.

In our PSHE HeartSmart lesson, we have been thinking about our reputations. We thought about the reputation that we would like to have, discussing the things that we would like people to think about us and say about us. We then thought about the choices that we need to make so that we can have this reputation. Our actions and the things that we do with our hearts will determine our reputation and how we are known. If we make HeartSmart decisions, we are choosing to love ourselves and other people too.

In our collective worship, some of our Year 2 children helped to tell us the story of Noah’s Ark.  We discussed how God is always with us and will provide us with what we need. 

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Witham

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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