Persuasive Writing (Will you change your mind?)

Date: 2nd Jun 2015 @ 9:06pm

The children have been working so hard in Literacy on their new genre ... persuasive writing.

Year 1 have understood that persuasive writing tries to encourage the reader to change their mind and may have to be exaggerated to capture people's interests!

The children worked really hard on Monday to try and persuade me to allow 'Golden Time'! smiley

See if your child can use their persuasive skills at home to change your mind ...

I have attached pictures of our 'Come on Safari' story map, the children are learning this off by heart and will then use this model to write a 'Come to London' brochure. We have also spent some time reading brochures and looking for the persuasve language.

Well done Year 1, a busy week back!

FRI 5.6.15: Over the weekend please practise reading all of your phonics sounds ready for the phonics challenge wb 15.6.15.

ALSO on Monday we will be writing a story about a ... giraffe that has escaped from the zoo and is now in London. Over the weekend think about where your giraffe will go, what problem the giraffe will face and how the giraffe will solve the problem ... will it be a happy ending?

Thank you

Miss Phillips

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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